
Microbiology:- fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks 11. Cells which provide antibody mediated immunity_______. 12. The Organelle of motility of bacteria______. 13. Mineral oil is best sterilized by_____. 14. Staining methods used for demonstration of M.tuberculosis______. 15. Mos common bacteria causing urinary tract infection_______. 16. Name a life threatening complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection ______. 17. Name a fungi causing meningitis_______. 18. Name one sexually transmitt viral disease______. 19. L.J media is an example of ________ media. 20. The protozoa causing dysentery in man is _______. Answer:- 11. B cells 12. Flagella  13. Gamma Radiation  14. Acid fast Staining  15. E.coli and klebsiella 16. Cerebral malaria 17. Cryptococcosis 18. AIDS 19. Enriched media  20. Entamoeba  histolytica

Microbiology :- fill in the blanks with answers

Microbiology  :- fill in the blanks 1.The degree of enlarging power of a microscope is called as . 2.Acid fastness of microbacterium depends on the presence of in the cell wall. 3.The most recent indicator of fecal contamination of water source is . 4. Lymphatic filariasis is caused by . 5.The small molecular weight substances which are unable to induce antibody formation but can react with the specific antibody are called as . 6. When Soluble antigen react with specific antibody and become visible is called as . 7. ELISA is spelled fully as . 8. TCBS is selective media for . 9.Forceps, scalpel, scissors and needles can be sterilised by (a) (b)           . 10.Sterilisation by stem under pressure is called as           . Answers :- 1. Magnification.  2. Mycolic acid. 3. E. Coli. 4. Wuchereria bancrofti . 5. Simple haptens.  6. Precipitation. 7. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. 8. Vibrio cholera

System in the Human body

These 11 major organ systems of human body are:- 1. Circulatory or cardiovascular system.  2. Respiratory system.  3. Nervous system. 4. Skeletal system  5. Digestive system or gastrointestinal system. 6. Reproductive system (female and male) 7. Muscular system. 8. Lymphatic system. 9. Urinary system or excretory system. 10. Integumentary system.  11. Endocrine system. 1. cardiovascular system or circulatory system:- The heart and blood are major parts of the circulatory system. All components contribute to oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout your body. ■The circulatory system consists of four major components: ●Heart  ●Arteries ●Veins ●Blood 2. Respiratory system :- The respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe. It includes your airways, lungs and blood vessels. The muscles that power your lungs are also part of the respiratory system. These parts work together to move oxygen throughout the body and clean out waste gases like carbon dioxide. ■Th

Anatomical terminology | Simple terminology used in anatomy

Anatomy and physiology -Anatomy and physiology are two of the most basic terms and areas of study in the life sciences. Anatomy refers to the internal and external structures of the body and their physical relationships, whereas physiology refers to the study of the functions of those structures. Branches of anatomy 1.Gross anatomy (gross; large) deals with the structures of the body that are visible to the naked eye. Structures such as muscles, bones, digestive organs or skin can be examined 2.Histology is the microscopic study of tissues and cells used in understanding the pathogenesis and diagnosis of various diseases. Cells are the tiny living units that form the tissues, organs and structures within the body. ●Human physiology is the science of how the human body functions in health and disease. ● Pathophysiology- The study of disease or injury on body. •a/an-Lack of/ absence example anaemia. •Anti -against example anticoagulant. •Card -heart example cardiac. •Endo -inside e

Types of Hair

For many people, hair is natural part of their look and expressions of their personality. Hair provide protection to our body.For example, it helps prevent sun rays from reaching our scalp. Eyelashes and eyebrows keep dust, dirt and sweat away from our eyes, even our nose and ear hair help in keeping germs and other foreign objects away. Body hair help to control our body temperature when it is cold the hair stands up keeping the air warmed by the body closer to the body. Except for a few places like the palm of our hands and soul of our feet we have hair on the entire surface of our body. There are three types of hair found in our body lanugo hair, vellus hair and terminal hair. Types 1. Lenugo hair- thin, soft hair present on new born baby. 2. Vellus hair- thin, fine hair grows on most of your body. 3. Terminal hair- thick, coarse hair grows on your scalp and make up your eyelashes, eyebrows. How many hair do you have? It also depends on your age and gender. A piece of hair may loo

General knowledge question and answer about HUMAN BODY PART'S

General knowledge question and answer about human body parts 1. When you blush, the lining of your stomach is also turn red. [Because you're embarrassed, your body releases adrenaline as part of the fight or flight response. This causes your blood vessels to dilate, which causes your cheeks to redden, and your stomach lining too.] 2.The largest organ in the human body is skin. [ The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, sweat and oil glands) make up the integumentary system. One of the main functions of the skin is protection. It protects the body from external factors such as bacteria, chemicals, and temperature.] 3.The human body is composed of carbon, hydrogen, calcium, Phosphorus, oxygen and nitrogen [About 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen , calcium, and phosphorus . Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium

Anatomy of hair

Hair structure Each hair has a hair shaft and a hair root. The shaft is the visible part of the hair that sticks out of the skin. The hair root is in the skin and extends down to the deeper layers of the skin. It is surrounded by the hair follicle (a sheath of skin and connective tissue), which is also connected to a sebaceous gland. Each hair follicle is attached to a tiny muscle (arrector pili) that can make the hair stand up. Many nerves end at the hair follicle too. These nerves sense hair movement and are sensitive to even the slightest draft. At the base of the hair, the hair root widens to a round hair bulb. The hair papilla, which supplies the hair root with blood, is found inside the bottom of the hair bulb. New hair cells are constantly being made in the hair bulb, close to the papilla.