Types of Hair

For many people, hair is natural part of their look and expressions of their personality.

Hair provide protection to our body.For example, it helps prevent sun rays from reaching our scalp.

Eyelashes and eyebrows keep dust, dirt and sweat away from our eyes, even our nose and ear hair help in keeping germs and other foreign objects away.

Body hair help to control our body temperature when it is cold the hair stands up keeping the air warmed by the body closer to the body.

Except for a few places like the palm of our hands and soul of our feet we have hair on the entire surface of our body.

There are three types of hair found in our body lanugo hair, vellus hair and terminal hair.


1. Lenugo hair- thin, soft hair present on new born baby.

2. Vellus hair- thin, fine hair grows on most of your body.

3. Terminal hair- thick, coarse hair grows on your scalp and make up your eyelashes, eyebrows.

How many hair do you have? It also depends on your age and gender.

A piece of hair may look simple but it is one of the most complicated structure in the body.

Here is made up of two different structures its first part which is above our skin layer is called hair shaft and the second part which is under the skin is called hair root or hair follicle .Hair follicle anchors the hair to the scalp. At the bottom of the follicle their is a tissue called papilla in which there are some blood vessels these gives nutrients to the roots of the hair to grow. The Follicle also contain the germinal Matrix where cells produce new hair

present in the route of the Bulb hair is a round structure that cover the papilla and germinal Matrix.

it contains many type of stem cells which develop into specialised cell and can renew.Hair shaft is the part of the hair that we can see.

Once the hair grows beyond the layer of the skin the cells are no longer alive. It is made of 3 layers of Keratin.

-In this the inner layer is called the medulla.

-The middle layer is called the cortex .

-The outer layer of the shaft is called the cuticle.

The medulla and cortex contains pigment cells that give color to the hair. Hair conditioner is used to clean this cortex layer


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