Lower back pain relief_ light - exercises for lower back pain _ਪਿਠ ਦਰਦ

Simple stretches for immediate back pain relief. Strengthen and mobilize your lower back.

1. Cross touch and  reach 

Duration 30 seconds 

Stand on the floor with your arm extended to your sides at the shoulder height.

Then bend your body and use your left hand to touch your right foot or get as close as you can. Switch side and repeat.

Exhale when you bend your body and inhale when you come up.

Keep your legs and back straight during the exercise.

2. Cat-cow pose

 Duration 40seconds 

Start on all fours with your knees under your butt and your hands directly under your shoulders.

Then take a breath and make your belly fall down, shoulders roll back and head coke up towards the ceiling.

As you exhale, curve your back upward and let your head come down. Repeat the exercise.

Do it slowly with each step of this exercise. 

3. Cobra stretch 

Duration 30seconds

Lie down on your stomach and bend your elbows with your hands beneath your shoulders.

Then push your chest up off the ground as far as possible. Hold this position for seconds.

4. Swimmer and superman

Duration 30seconds.

Lie on your stomach with your arm extended straight overhead. Alternatively lift your opposite arm and leg.

5. Lying twist stretch left and right

Duration 20seconds on both sides.

Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms stretched at your sides.

Lift your knees and twist your legs to the left. Hold this position. 

Lift your knees and twist your legs to the right. Hold this position.

6. Knee to chest stretch left and right.

Duration 20seconds on both sides.

Lie on the floor with your legs extended. Lift your left knee up and grab it with your both hands.

Pull your left knee towards your chest as much as you can while keeping your right leg straight on the ground.

Hold this position for few seconds.

Now do this with right leg.

7. Lying swing legs left and right

Duration 30seconds on both sides.

Lie on your back with your toes towards the ceiling, legs flat on the floor and arms straight overhead. 

Swing your legs left and hold this position 

Do this on other side.


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