PART 2 =
Question cards OR Cue cards 2021

*Describe your Favourite subject 
  >Name of the subject.
  >Upto which class you studied it.
  >Why you like the subject so much.

Ans. English is my favourite subject. I have studied this subject form my childhood ,when I was almost 5 to 6 year old.i still remember the day when I used to learn the fundamentals of English. My teacher took extra pains to teach us the fundamentals of English and even better hand writing. My interest in the subject started from that stage. It is needless to say that the English is one of the most important languages of world. It has played a great role in the freedom struggle of India. English literature is very rich.
         I am very fond of reading English poems, stories, watching movies and one-act plays. The penetration of men and matters is matchless in English. It is a right vehicle for the expression of grave thoughts and complex situations.
        I have participated in many competitions in English composition. I still remember the day when my poem was selected to be published in my school magazine. Now I have written many poems and short stories for various magazines and newspapers. My teachers and readers have a high opinion of my written English. I am happy that i have got maximum marks in the subject of English upto my graduation studies. I wish to be an avid reader and learner of English.

2.Describe the person whom you admire :

* Who the person is.
*why you admire him/her.
*what you learnt from him/her.

Ans. The person i admire the most is my father. He is a self-made man. Sometimes when we sit together, he tells us his background. He was born in a big family where his parents could not afford their children good education. My father received education from an ordinary school but he always dreamt of great things. He suffered from financial constraints but had an indomitable courage and grit. He rose from scratches. Now my father is an industrialist of great repute. He is proverbial in his city.
          I have learnt a lot from my father. i have learnt patience, dogged determination, dedication and perseverance at the feet of my father. When ever I face the heat of the bitter realities of life, I seek and get the wise direction of my father who always prove to be my beacon light. I pray to God to shower his choicest blessings on my father !
Is there any clash of values between you and your father?
Ans. Yes, of course. Generation gap is a natural process. But my father is a very practical man. He feels the pulse of the age. Thought he believes in old customs and traditions yet he welcomes the modern trends and values.
Q.2 What can be done to reduce the gap between the old and the young?
Ans. It is the responsibility of both the old and the young to reduce the gap between them. The old people should understand the mind set-up of the young people. On the other hand the young people should also respect the old people as the experienced people. Old age is the inevitable part of life Mutual understanding is the only solution of this problem.
 Q.3 Do the other members of your family/locality also admire your father?
Ans.  Yes the other members of my family and city also admire my father. He is the most sought after person in our locality. He believes in spreading love and affection everywhere he goes. People attach a great importance to his advice.

3. Describe your visit to a historical building.

*  Which historical building you visited

* Why you visited this buildings.
* With whom did you go there.
* What your experiences were.

ANS. I am fond of visiting historical buildings as they have educative value. Last year, I went to Agra to see the Taj. Before visiting the Taj, we saw the ruined glory of the Red Fort and Sikandrabad. In the evening we went to the Taj. I had heard a lot about its beauty but reality surpassed the descriptions that had been given to me. It was indeed a fine specimen of Mughal art. It was built by Shahjehan in the sweet memory of his wife. It is indeed the loveliest tomb ever made by human hands. It is made of white marble on the bank of river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees, colourful flowers and rows of fountains. It cast a spell on me. I was greatly charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a while. The graves of the king and the queen are built in. Verses from the holy Quran are engraved on its walls. The engraved birds presented a delightful view.
          Many precious stones and gems are seen on the tomb. Every stone of this building was telling the story of true love of Shahjahan for Mumtaj. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty. That's why it is considered on of the seven wonders of the world.
Q.1  Are there Many historical building in your state?
Ans.- There are not many historical building in my state, Most of these buildings were demolished by the Bristishers.
Q.2  What is the condition of these buildings?
Ans- The condition of most of these buildings are not good. The government is not so serious in maintaining these buildings. Moreover, the attitude of the people is also not very healthy and responsible.
Q.3  What are the threats of these buildings?
Ans- These buildings suffer from many threats. First, it is the indifferent attitude of the government and the people. Secondly, these buildings suffer the problem of wear and tear. These buildings need proper care and timely repairs.
Q.4  What should be done to preserve these buildings?
Ans- The Government should protect these buildings. Some of these buildings should be declared national heritage. They should be  protected in such a way that the  people can not tamper with their original glory. Proper maintenance should be kept. Smoke-emitting industries like refineries should not be allowed near these buildings. The people should also perform their responsibilities towards these buildings.

4. Describe a major decision you have taken in your life.
You should say:
– What the decision was
– What other choices were available to you
– Why you made the decision you did
And explain if you think the decision was a good one.

A really important decision I’ve made recently is to study abroad, which is the reason I’m here talking to you now. No-one from my family has ever had the chance to study abroad before. My parents were actually hoping I’d start working for our family textile business as soon as I graduate. I think it’s too soon to join the family business though. I really want to study marketing – especially fashion marketing – and English so I can sell our company products to buyers all over the world. If I study fashion marketing in the UK, I can learn how to do business in the fashion industry, which is of course very competitive and fast-moving. As for whether it was the right decision, I’m pretty confident it was and I can’t change my mind now anyway because I borrowed money from my parents to pay for my tuition. I’m going to do my best to finish my course and I will go back to my country with new ideas that will help expand our business. All I need now is to get a good score in IELTS. So, anyway, that’s an important decision in my life.

5.  Describe something you do to forget about work or study.
You should say:
– What the activity is
– How often you do it
– How it helps you forget
And say whether you would recommend other people try the same thing.

I’d like to talk about horse-riding, which has been my hobby since I was around ten years old. I’m actually the joint owner of a horse with two of my friends and we take turns looking after him, cleaning out the stable and so on. I don’t have a part-time job so I spend most of my weekends at the stable. Taking care of a horse is quite a dirty business so it’s obviously very different from studying at college. That means I can forget about my classes during the week when I’m at the stable on the weekend. There’s quite a large field next to the stable and I just get a wonderful sense of freedom when I’m riding around on my horse. College seems a million miles away! Do I think other people would enjoy horse-riding? Yes, absolutely. I think everyone should give it a try. Horses are absolutely wonderful animals, very gentle and intelligent. If you ever have the chance to ride a horse, you should definitely give it a try.

6. Describe a language you would like to learn.
You should say:
– What the language is
– Where it is spoken
– Why you are interested in this language
And say if you think you will ever actually have the chance to learn it.

Let me tell you about a language I’ve always wanted to learn, which is Russian. It’s spoken in Russia, obviously, but also in many other countries which have been influenced by Russia including places like Mongolia and Kazakhstan. It’s quite a difficult language to learn because the alphabet is not the Roman one, which means that you have to learn to read and write from scratch, a but like studying Chinese or Japanese. Well, the reason I would like to learn Russian is that the energy industry is huge and there are lots of jobs. A lot of my country’s oil and gas comes from Russia so it’s really useful to be able to speak that language if you want to work in the energy field. I have actually been to Russia before so I know from experience that a lot of Russians can’t speak English very well, so that’s another good reason to learn their language. The only problem is I’m already thirty years old and I’ve spent more than fifteen years learning English. I don’t know if I would ever be able to learn Russian successfully because it’s a difficult language for anyone to learn, especially someone older like me. But it would be really great to try.

7. Describe your childhood memories..

• Name  the place where you where born.
• What you did in you childhood. 
• Describe any sweet or sour experiences.

   Childhood is, I think the best period in one's life.  Most of us call this period the golden period of our life.
I was born in a village/ city/ town. I still remember my childhood days. Those were the days when I used to roam about freely like a cloud. There were no tears and fears. My parents loved me Very much becauseI was the only child Off my parents.I am thankful to God to bless me with so kind, nice and considerate parents.  They were unlike other parents who used to dominate their  children for nothing.
     My parents advised me that only one thing that I should bother about was my health. I used to rush through my home work which was very light. Then I enjoyed first, the company of my friends and the games we used to play. We used to play out-door games. There were matches, which were keenly played but out of the playground, we together used to follow the innocent creatures like butterflies and doves, when somebody fell down in pursing a butterfly or a dove, we used to laugh  at the mud-smeared face of that person.
     Today when I sit in my room all alone, those childhood days flash across my mind and give me much relief from the dull and monotonous life.

Follow up questions 
1. Which where the toys played when you were child?
Ans. I used to play with very simple toys like buildings blocks, teddy bears and different types of jokers.
2. Do you think that the children of today also have a nice childhood?
Ans. I don't agree that the children of today have nice childhood. These days the parents don't allow the children to be free from studies and play outdoors games. Parents have put the children under a crushing weight of studies and their high ambitions.
3. Should the children play indoor games or out door games?
Ans. According to me, it depends on the availability of time and resources.  These days in the cities there are hardly any playground to play. Personally speaking I prefer outdoor games for the children. These games will make them physically fit.


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