Q1. What is your full name? or How would you introduce yourself?
Q2. What is the meaning of your name?
Q3. Who gave you this name?
Q4. Does your name represent your true personality?
Q5. What are your educational qualifications?
Q6. Which subject do you like the most?
Q7. What do you know about your home town/village?
Q8. Do you live at the same place where your were born?
Q9. Was your school co-educational institute?
Q10. How do the people in your city/village keep themselves busy?
Q11. What is people's Favourite food in your state?
Q12. Are there any worth-seeing places in or near your native place?
Q13. Are there any historical monuments in your region?
Q14. Do you do any job/business? which?
Q15. Are you satisfied with your job/profession?
Q16. Speak about any special festival that take place in your city/village?
Q17. What place do you like the best in your city/village?
Q18. What place in or near your city should an outsider visit?
Q19. Which parts of your country would you recommend to a foreigner?
Q20. What is special about your family?
Q21. Who does most of the house hold chores/ work in your family?
Q22. Why is the joint family disintegrating in your country?
Q23. Why is divorce rate increasing these days?
Q24. Do the people in your country plan their family?
Q25. Do the parents have control over there children?
Q26. Which TV channels do the children like the most?
Q27. Do the children watch to much TV?
Q28. What are the new trends of marriage in your country?
Q29. Do the people accept new changes in the concept of marriage?
Q30. Do the people prefer a son or a daughter in your country?
Q31. Do the modern parents care more for their children?
Q32. Do the parents prefer to send their children to private schools or government school?
Q33. Are, even today, the women under heavy burden?
Q34. Are the families in your country impressed by the western culture?
Q35. Is the standard of education the same in cities and villages?
Q36. Should education be privatised?
Q37. What changes do you expect in education in the future?
Q38. Do you wish to change your job? why?
Q39. If you go back to your childhood again, what would you do?
Q40. Is there any wish of your that is not fulfilled?
Q41. Did you ever bunk your classes?
Q42. Which country would you like visit?
Q43. Do you prefer to live in city or a village?
Q44. Do you think your education/training will help you in your job?
Q45. How many workers work with you?
Q46. What is the atmosphere of your work place?
Q47. What are your job responsibilities?
Q48. When do you start your job/profession?
Q49. Which food do you like to cook?
Q50. Do you like to play with children?
Q51. How much time do you spend on your hobby?
Q52. How did you start your hobby?
Q53. Are you fond of photography?
Q54. Have you got your own camera?
Q55. Did you buy this camera or got it as a gift?
Q56. When do you use camera? where?
Q57. Do you live alone or in a family?
Q58. Do you easily mix up with others?
Q59. Do you do any social welfare activity?
Q60. Are the people in your locality fond of doing social work?
Q61. Is there any NGO (Non-Government organisation) active in your city/state?
Q62. What are the projects taken up by an NGO?
Q63. Are you fond of reading?
Q64. Which type of literature do you read?
Q65. What are the reading habits of the people in your city/state?
Q66. Which is the most popular newspaper in your area?
Q67. Are you fond of writing?
Q68. Do you write poem or stories or other things?
Q69. Which type of literature do the people of your area like to read?
Q70. Is there any public library in your city/town?
Q71. Tell me something about your customs and traditions?
Q72. Why do the people observe customs and traditions?
Q73. Do you think this customs and traditions will continue in the future also?
Q74. Which skills are in demands these days?
Q75. What are your relations with your colleagues?
Q76. How do you manage things/ matters at your work place?
Q77. Can you describe any challenging job you performed?
Q78. Do you prefer part-time job or full time job?
Q79. should equal pay be given to men and women?
Q80. Is it better to stick to one job? why?
Q81. How has the structure of the families changed in the recent years?
Q82. Which type of parents are liked by their children?
Q83. Are the parents of today different from those in the past?How?
Q84. Should the parents take major decisions?Why?
Q85. Should the children take the guidance of the career-counselors?
Q86. Do you remember your childhood friends?
Q87. Do the modern children like fairy tales?
Q88. Are comics good for the children? why?
Q89. Are inter-religious marriages popular in your country?
Q90. Why some youngsters do not want to go in for marriage these days?
Q91. Describe some interesting wedding customs?
Q92. Describe an unexpected incident in a marriage you attended?
Q93. Which is your ideal school? Why?
Q94. Do your teachers use new methods of teachings?
Q95. Can country wide-classroom be proved successful?
Q96. Is hand writing an impotent part of education? Why?
Q97. Should poetry be taught in schools?Why?
Q98. Should history be taught in school?
Q99. Should morning prayers be compulsory in schools
Q100. Which is your ideal city?Why?

Q.101. Do the people do community work in your city?

Q.102. Is any famous person living in your locality?

Q.103. What are the means of entertainment in your city/village/town?

Q.104. Do you think old buildings in your city/village should be demolished?why?

Q.105. Are the building in the village/city constructed according to the climate of your area?

Q.106. Is there any social event celebrated in your city?

Q.107. What have you inherited from your forefathers?

Q.108. What is the value of this gift inherited from forefathers?

Q.109. What are the relations between the elders and the youngsters in your city?

Q.110. Do the people make planning for their retirement? Why?

Q.111. Does time move fast in a village or a city?

Q.112. How do you decorate your room?

Q.113. Have you ever arranged a party at home?

Q.114. Are you social in your habits?why?

Q.115. Where do you do your shopping?

Q.116. Do you do window-shopping ? Why?

Q.117. Do you prefer sky-shopping?why?

Q.118. Do you feel humorous people are very popular?

Q.119. Have modern gadgets benefited a home-maker?

Q.120. Describe any kitchen article you bought recently?

Q.121. Describe any showpiece you recently bought for your home?

Q.122. Are people in your state fond of traveling?

Q.123. Do the people in your city go on pilgrimages? Why?

Q.124. How many hours do you sleep in a day? Why?

Q.125. Which type of dresses do the people of your state wear?

Q.126. If you have to write a book, what kind of book would write? Why?

Q.127. Are colours important in our life ? Why?

Q.128. How much money do you wish to save? Why?

Q.129. Which is your favorite radio program?

Q.130. Which is your Favourite indoor activity?

Q.131. Which is your favorite outdoor activity?

Q.132. Which is your favorite language?

Q.134. Why do the people go to holiday resorts?

Q.135. Do the tourist guides play a positive role?

Q.136. Can space tourism become a reality one day?

Q.137. Why do the people play adventure sports?

Q.138. Describe any adventurous sport the people of your country play?

Q.139. Do you play any water sport ? Which and why?

Q.140 Have you ever visited any national park ? When and why?

Q.141. What can be done to preserve national parks?

Q.142. According to you, which is the most powerful medium T.V, Newspaper or radio?

Q.143. Which is the main source of news for the people of your country- T.V, Newspaper or radio?

Q.144. Do the T.V channels give full coverage to the news?

Q.145. What should be the good qualities in a newspaper?

Q.146. Should there be a control of the government on media ? Why?

Q.147. Are the people fond of dancing in your country?

Q.148. Which type of dancing are popular in your country?

Q.149. What is the role of colours in our life?

Q.150. Do colours reflect the personality of a person?

Q.151. Should the government do something to preserve traditional art and crafts?

Q.152. Have you ever paid a visit to an art-exhibition?

Q.153. What is the difference between painting and photography?

Q.154. Any painting that has impressed you the most?

Q.155. Should art be taught in schools and colleges? Why?

Q.156. Should artists be given full freedom? Why?

Q.157. What is the importance of computers in our day to day life?

Q.158. What are the advantages of computer?

Q.159. How has computer changed our life style?

Q.160 which subject can be taught better through computer?

Q.161. Which subject cannot be taught through computer?

Q.162. How has computer affected our entertainment?

Q.163. Is landline or mobile phone popular these days? Why?

Q.164. What are the uses of mobile phones?

Q.165. What are the misuses of mobile phones?

Q.166. What is the future of mobile phones?

Q.167. How is internet useful in imparting education?

Q.168. Has internet given birth to cyber crime?

Q.169. Which means of transportation do you prefer? Why?

Q.170. Has science changed the style of food?

Q.171 which are the new technologies in food industry?

Q.172 . How has modern technology helped the farmers?

Q.173. How is technology helpful in health care?

Q.174. Which is the main source of expenditures of the people in your state?

Q.175. Which type of fashions are prevalent among the people of today?

Q.176. Do fashion change? Give some examples?

Q.177. Is the dressing style of the people of today different from that of the recent past?

Q.178. Why are the people becoming more fond of outside food?

Q.179. Which are the facilities given by the modern restaurants and hotels?

Q.180. What are the problems related to the habit of taking outside food?

Q.181. Should a minimum age for marriage for men and women be fixed? Which age?

Q.182. Why are the modern boys and girls going in for late marriages?

Q.183. Do you think education can make you successful?

Q.184. Are children of today more independent than those in the recent past?

Q.185. What are the problems parents of today facing in bringing up the children?

Q.186. Should moral education be given in schools?

Q.187. Are there any changes taking place in the living style of the people?

Q.188. Why are the children of today under so much stress?

Q.189. According to your, how can the people cope up with so much pressure?

Q.190. What type of life style can you foresee in the next twenty years or so?

Q.191. Which problem will your city face in the next twenty years?

Q.192. Has your country made any achievements during the last twenty years?

Q.193. Has on line education given something good or bad?

Q.194. Can you tell an impotent invention that has taken place during the last years or so ?

Q.195. Do you think family system is going to sustain in your country?

Q.196. Who was, according to you, the most important person during the century?

Q.197. Are the people interested in national news or international news?

Q.198. Can you talk about any international sporting event that took place in recent place?

Q.199. Do you think that the world can be a global village in the near future? How ?

Q.200. Can the world be a better place to live in fifty years hence?


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